The Associazione Borsisti Marco Fanno was established in 1993, thirty years after Professor Giannino Parravicini, then Chairman of Mediocredito, started a scholarship programme of specialisation in economics and finance to study at the most prestigious foreign universities.
The general aim of the Association is to:
- promote academic studies and scientific research in economics and finance
- maintain and promote contacts between members
- contribute to the development of cultural exchanges with institutions with similar purposes
- propose scientific and cultural initiatives in the field of economics and finance.
The Association, chaired by professor Tito Boeri, brings together all those who, over the years, won a scholarship launched by Mediocredito Centrale first and UniCredit Foundation later, thanks to the collaboration agreement signed in 2012 between the Association and the Foundation.
Among the alumni, very important academics and finance managers: Mario Draghi (honorary Chairman of the Association), Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Tito Boeri, Franco Bruni, Claudio Dematté, Gabriele Galateri, Marco Pagano, Alessandro Penati, Lucrezia Reichlin, Michele Salvati, Anna Maria Tarantola, Ignazio Visco and many others.
The Assembly hold on November 4th 2021 appointed Tito Boeri Chairman of the Association, and Raffaella Sadun, Alessandra Voena and Tommaso Frattini as councilors. The same Assembly then appointed Giorgio Loli as Auditor and confirmed Giannantonio De Roni and Annalisa Aleati respectively Secretary General and Scientific Director of the Association. The Assembly hold on June 28th 2022 appointed Alberto Bisin as ViceChairman of the Association as substitute of Carmine Di Noia who resigned.
Since 2012, the Marco Fanno Association, in order to ensure the continuation of its initiatives and support for the best economists, has signed a collaboration agreement with UniCredit Foundation (formerly UniCredit & Universities Foundation). Through this agreement, UniCredit has ensured the continuity of the Association's activities by providing an annual funding of approximately €500,000 to support scholarships and research programs launched by the Association.
Thanks to this agreement, the Marco Fanno Association now includes among its alumni all the recipients of the scholarships also offered by UniCredit Foundation.

According to the provisions of article 7 of the Statute, the governing bodies of the Association are:
- The Assembly
- The Board of Directors
- The Chairman
- The Honorary Chairman
- The Audit and Supervisory Board
The current Board of Directors is composed by:
Tito Boeri - Chairman
Alberto Bisin - Vice-Chairman
Raffaella Sadun
Alessandra Voena
Tommaso Frattini
The current Auditor is Giorgio Loli.
The Honorary Chairman
Mario Draghi
The Secretary General
Pietro Blengino
The Scientific Director
Annalisa Aleati
Marco Fanno Annual Report 2023
Available only in Italian