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Call for Europe 2020

Call for Europe 2020

UniCredit Foundation launches "Call for Europe 2020" initiative to support projects focusing on children needs in all European countries where our Group is present, except for Italy (already involved in Call for the Regions 2020).


A total contribution of € 360,000 will be allocated to this initiative and split among the participating banks, providing to each bank with an amount of € 30,000, which will be shared among the local winning projects.  


Following the submission of 5 short-listed candidate projects by each participating bank, UniCredit Foundation will select 3 beneficiaries per country and the respective amount they will receive. The selection process will be run by an Evaluation Committee.


"Call for Europe 2020" initiative is an amazing tool, which:


1.       enhances awareness of childhood needs in the territories within the European perimeter of;

2.       encourages the participating banks to monitor solidarity initiatives that theirlocal communities carry out in that respect;

3.       supports the participating banks to meet the main needs of the local communities on childhood issues.


Further information and clarifications may be requested by contacting

Updated on 23 November 2020.