As we all know, 2020 was marked by a terrible pandemic that exposed us all to serious emergencies and unprecedented challenges. UniCredit Foundation has tackled them with commitment and determination.
The 2020 Annual Report sets out in rich detail the many initiatives undertaken, in particular to help combat COVID-19 or to try to alleviate its most dramatic effects. Thanks to the support received from UniCredit and the people who work in the Group, the Foundation has approved interventions totalling more than 10 million euros (+87% vs 2019). The Report gives due recognition to the generosity shown by UniCredit's colleagues, thanks to whom we raised more than 2.1 million euros for the hospitals and organisations most involved in the fight against the pandemic, with more than 7.5 thousand donations. The same generosity then facilitated the 18th Gift Matching Program, reaching outstanding numbers with over 1.1 million euros donated to 226 projects in 14 countries, supported by almost 7 thousand donations from UniCredit people.
The 2020 Annual Report also takes into account the new structure that the legislator has given to the Third Sector and to the relevant guidelines, placing great emphasis on the requirements of publicity and transparency required by the reform to allow a broad comparison with all stakeholders.
The results this year are therefore a source of great satisfaction, given that, with everyone's contribution, we have really "done the right thing!". Since its creation, the Foundation has supported almost 6,000 solidarity projects, launched more than 300 study and research grants and allocated as much as 156 million euros to local communities.
For further information Reports and Accounts 2020 are online