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ECON JM Best Paper Award 2023 - I vincitori

ECON JM Best Paper Award 2023 - I vincitori

Il Comitato Scientifico ha appena concluso il processo di selezione.

Complessivamente abbiamo ricevuto 96 candidature e, alla luce dell'elevata qualità dei paper ricevuti, la Commissione ha deciso all'unanimità di ampliare la serie dei premi di quest'anno da CINQUE a DIECI.


Pertanto i 10 vincitori sono (in ordine alfabetico):


  • Eduard Boehm - Intermediation, Choice Frictions, and Selection: Evidence from the Chilean Pension Market
  • Arnoud Dyevre - Public R&D and Productivity Growth
  • Lukas Freund - Superstar Teams: The Micro Origins and Macro Implications of Coworker Complementarities
  • Guangbin Hong - Two-Sided Sorting of Workers and Firms: Implications for Spatial Inequality and Welfare
  • Vatsal Khandelwal - Silent Networks: The Role of Inaccurate Beliefs in Reducing Useful Social Interactions
  • Lukas Mann  - Spatial Sorting and the Rise of Geographic Inequality
  • Hugo Reichardt - Scale-Biased Technical Change and Inequality
  • Taisiya Sikorskaya - Institutional Investors, Securities Lending, and Short-Selling Constraints
  • Jinglun Yao - Knowledge is (Market) Power
  • Chuan Yu - The Welfare Effects of Sponsored Product Advertising


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