15 May 2020

We all have different ways to relax and take care of ourselves mentally and physically. Here are a few suggestions from UniCredit’s Millennial Board

2:00 Min
  • Listen to podcasts. Try searching podcasts.com for topics that interest you 
  • Read a book. We’ve been reading The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli, Tap Dancing to Work by Warren Buffett and The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. Kindle and several e-book apps have special offers right now 
  • Plan a trip. Lonely Planet offers many free guides and suggestions on its website. You can plan an itinerary using the Sygic Travel: Travel Planner and Itinerary Maker

Look after your physical health

  • Try yoga. Here’s a yoga tutorial from one of our Millennial Board members
  • Find videos on YouTube for your perfect workout routine with a few keywords such as: “homeworkout”, “HIIT workout”, “total gym workout”, “calisthenics”, “body exercises”, “XX minutes workout.”  
  • Follow the social media pages of gyms as they often have online group workout sessions or download an app with fully personalised programs. There are plenty of free options, including Nike Training

Try out new things

Learn to dance!

Clothes upcycling. Make something new from your old clothes!

Learn a new language. Duolingo offers more than 30 free language courses 

Write short stories or poetry

Cook something different! Here is our healthy low-carb recipe for Cooking with UniCredit!

Start a new online course. Coursera has increased the number of free courses and offers online sessions and on-demand videos!

Stay connected with your friends and family

There are numerous apps and applications, including Houseparty and Skype we can use to make video calls, chat and play games with our loved ones. 

Or even share an evening playing games or watching movies: try Netflixparty, Hangouts or Rave. 

Join us, stay at home and share your individual contribution under the hashtags #OneUniCredit #StayAtHomeStayConnected on LinkedIn and Twitter