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logo Environment Social Governance day 2023


A challenged future: choosing the path ahead


Watch the recording of the event Below.

ESG Day UniCredit live event

In case you are not able to access the video above you can also watch the recording of the event from here.

This year we have produced a white paper framing the event.
You can download it here.


At ESG Day 2024, we wanted to put the focus firmly on the need for greater progress in tackling some of the toughest issues facing our society today. From climate change to social inequality, we need action and we need answers. Urgently.


The event served as a forum to review and assess the concrete solutions available to us as we seek to address a range of pressing challenges. How can we go about solving the trade-off between environmental and social concerns? How can we balance profit and sustainability? And how can we best accompany our clients as they navigate a complex transition? We probed into all of this and more through a series of panels, with expert speakers challenging the status quo without losing focus on the importance of building this path together.


This year, we also incorporated a pan-European dimension, with local events taking place in many of our markets beyond Italy to reflect our clients' different ESG experiences.


The future of our planet depends on all of us - clients, colleagues, competitors, governments and many other influential bodies and organisations. We must band together, be prepared to stand up and make a concerted effort to change our behaviour

09:00 Registration  


Fiona Melrose - Head of Group Strategy & ESG UniCredit

Rossella Iorio - Group ESG UniCredit


Opening speech


Andrea Colamedici and Maura Gancitano - Tlon


1° panel – The social dilemma: how climate change and technology are reshaping society?

​Sustainable and digital transition is no longer delayed, for the tangible effects of climate change and nature capital erosion. These global challenges are affecting society, in particular vulnerable people, such as young, and strongly impacting on social cohesion, justice and companies, both as employers and producers. The profiles of consumers and workers are critically changing and new needs are arising. Are we ready to face this transformation? Which is the key for success for a new social balance?

Marco Piccolo Reynaldi - CEO Reynaldi Srl

Maura Gancitano - Philosopher, writer and founder of the Tlon Project

Andrea Colamedici - Philosopher, writer and founder of the Tlon Project

Matteo Innocenti - Medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, President of the Italian Association of Climate Change Anxiety

10:30 Interlude  

Intro speech


Dieter Helm - Professor of Economic Policy University of Oxford


2° panel – A zero-sum game? Solving sustainability trade-offs 

Reaching net-zero emissions and nature restoration will thus require a universal transformation of the global economy, in terms of trade-offs and opportunity. Relevant opinion leaders will discuss of the challenges to face. Biodiversity loss and climate change cause enormous costs and strong consequences impacting also the economy. Which is the right balance between revenues and transition? Is Environment more important than social? Does a key for success in the transition path exists?

Dieter Helm - Professor of Economic Policy University of Oxford

Marco Alverà​ - Co-founder and CEO of Zhero and Tree Energy Solutions (TES)

Matthias Pöverlein - Sustainability Officer at Stadtwerke München (SWM)

Nicola Monti - CEO Edison Spa

Valerio Camerano - Managing Director at Algebris Investments, Independent member of the COIMA ESG City Impact Fund Steering Committee, Business Angel for Start Up and Professor at Luiss University in Rome

11:30 Break  

Highlights from UniCredit


Andrea Orcel - CEO UniCredit

Fiona Melrose - Head of Group Strategy & ESG UniCredit

12:15 Interlude  

Double interview – The crucial nexus between Climate and Nature

Despite all our technological advances, we are completely dependent on healthy and vibrant ecosystems for our water, food, medicines, clothes, fuel, shelter, and energy, to name just a few. The health of Nature is one of the main lever to reduce the climate change. The adoption by about two hundred institutions of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework sets goals and concrete measures to stop and reverse the loss of nature by 2050 and promote the culture of Nature positive. Two opinion leaders will testify their best cases.

Isabel Tomè Esteban - Iberdrola Head of Biodiversity and Natural Capital

Marco Lambertini - Convener of the Nature Positive Initiative


3° panel – The way forward: from responsibility to response-ability

Promoting more sustainable ways of consuming and producing, it is the way achieving the objectives of decoupling growth from intensive resource use, of achieving transition to a low-carbon society and of living fully sustainable lifestyles. It is fundamental giving visibility to alternative models, way of productions, stories, levers to speed the transition. In this panel, we will host best cases from the public and private sector, that are promoting models of governance and business for a just and fair transition.

Alberto Irace - CEO Alia Servizi Ambientali spa

Raffaella Moro - CEO REair

Eva Mayerhofer​ - Head of Environmental Policy Unit, Environment, Climate and Social Office, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Marco Santori - Board member of Alce Nero spa and promoter of bio-economy projects and an organic biodistrict in Lazio


Wrap up and final remarks

Fiona Melrose - Head of Group Strategy & ESG UniCredit

Richard Burton - Head of Group Client Solution UniCredit

Rossella Iorio - Group ESG UniCredit


Watch highlights from last year's edition below and browse through the panel sessions.

Visit last year's dedicated page to learn more about the 2023 event.


Discover more about our approach to ESG and Sustainability by visiting the dedicated sections on our website (see below).


A selection of our recent sustainability publications, including our 2023 Integrated Report, can be found here.