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Our system for reporting illegitimate behaviors



What can be reported

At UniCredit Group we all have a responsibility to act in full compliance with applicable laws, regulations and our internal rules, as well as the professional standards of our job sector, in the context of a fair, safe and inclusive working environment.

Violations and/or irregularities of company regulations, external regulations in the cities, states and countries where UniCredit Group operates, as well as issues regulated in the attached Whistleblowing Policy may be reported.


Who can report

Employees and collaborators of the Group, consultants and suppliers, freelancers, volunteers and trainees who work for Group companies, as well as shareholders and people with administrative, management, control, supervisory and representation functions. 

All forms of retaliation are not tolerated and therefore prohibited. For this reason, the Group is committed to ensuring a safe reporting environment that encourages and allows Whistleblowers to speak without fear of being penalized, ensuring confidentiality, privacy protection, maximum confidentiality and protection against any form of retaliation, direct or indirect, connected with the report made.

How to make a report in UniCredit SpA

Reports must be submitted through one of the channels below. They must be as complete and detailed, attaching, if possible, documents (images, chat, word files, invoices, etc.) useful to follow up the report. Absolute confidentiality shall be ensured at all stages of the procedure. For this reason, the nominative reporting is encouraged, as opposed to the anonymous form, since it allows a better protection of those who report illegitimate behaviour.

Whistleblowing channels may not be used to report:

1)  facts or disputes concerning the employment relationship between employees and Group companies;

2)  claims relating to business relationships, that is disputes between customers and the Group companies concerning banking and financial products and services, payment service provision, investment services or distribution of insurance products (complaints can be sent to the email box or at the address Pec Reclami@PEC.UniCredit.EU);

3)  external fraud, including IT fraud, carried out by third parties that do not involve employees of Group companies (for example, emails or phishing messages received by users, calls from fake bank operators) for which you can refer to the "Complaints" or "Security" section of the UniCredit Group website.

The internal reporting channels of UniCredit S.p.A.



It is possible to report an illegitimate  behavior through the SpeakUp platform by accessing the following online portal.

mobile phone


It is possible to report an illegitimate behaviour also via smartphone by downloading "SpeakUP Doing right, made easy" from the App Store/Google Play Store and entering the QR code below or the code 124118

SpeakUp portal and app are encrypted platforms managed by an independent third party and offer the highest level of confidentiality of the personal data that were mentioned in the report.



The report can be made by arranging a meeting (in person or by phone) with the "Whistleblowing Team" that manages the procedure (+39 3481481214).



The report can also be made by telephone: the reference numbers for each country are listed in the attached telephone list and the code to be entered is 124118.

The number to be used for Italy is 800147694.




You can send a written report to:

UniCredit S.p.A

Livio Lazzarino

Conduct and Market Integrity Product Advisory Compliance

Piazza Gae Aulenti n. 3

20154 Milan (Italy)

External reporting channels


UniCredit Group encourages employees to use internal channels as a priority.


It should be noted that in Italy, in implementation of Legislative Decree n. 24/2023, the National Anti Corruption Authority (ANAC) has been identified as the authority responsible for receiving and handling external reports, also anonymously.


The Whistleblower may therefore submit an external report to ANAC if one of the following conditions is satisfied at the time of its submission:

  • there is no provision within his or her work context for the mandatory activation of the internal reporting channel, or this channel, even if mandatory, is not active or, even if activated, does not comply with the provisions of the law;
  • has already made an internal report and it has not been followed up;
  • has reasonable grounds to believe that, if it were to make an internal report, it would not be effectively followed up or that the same report could lead to a risk of retaliation;
  • has reasonable grounds to believe that the violation may constitute an imminent or evident danger to the public interest.


In addition, the Whistleblower may also contact ANAC to notify any retaliatory acts resulting from a report.

External reports to ANAC may be made in the manner provided on the institutional website of the entity (link here).