We are the heirs to a long history, which began in 1870 with the foundation of the Banca di Genova, later named Credito Italiano.
However, the individual banks that later became part of the Group over the years have even older roots, such as Rolo Banca, whose origins date back to 1473.
Our key moments
Our Group Historical Archives and Libraries
Our Group has a very long history. UniCredit was formed as a result of mergers starting in the 1990s including the acquisition of many important Italian and European banks.
Each of them has contributed to the creation of our shared cultural heritage, which we continually enhance and preserve, as part of our purpose of Empowering Communities to Progress.
Our archives are located in each country where the Group is present. Most of the documentation is in Milan for the Holding, in Vienna for Bank Austria, and in Munich for UniCredit Bank GmbH ("HypoVereinsbank").
Historical Archives
In Italy, UniCredit's Historical Archives are one of the most important archives from a market history perspective. They include the historical records of many of the Italian banks which were acquired by the Group. Most of these were banks of ancient tradition active between the second half of the 15th century and the beginning of the 21st century.
The archives in Italy of the Joint Stock Company (JSC) banks are managed by UniCredit's offices in Milan and Rome, while the assets of public banks, savings banks and "Monti di Pietà" (similar to pawnshops) have been progressively transferred on a thirty-year free loan to banking foundations and historical archives of local public administrations.
Among the main materials managed directly by UniCredit in Italy are those of Credito Italiano, Banco di Roma and Banco di Santo Spirito.
UniCredit also has a library in Italy with an estimated heritage of around 60,000 volumes (3 linear kilometers). These publications mainly focus on banking, finance, economics, and statistics. The library also comprises volumes dedicated to architecture, geography, history, and religion.
Of considerable interest are the art and antique books belonging to the former Credito Italiano and received over time through bequests, the most conspicuous and important of which is the so-called 'Giovanni Vignali Antique Library Fund'.T he Roman notary's legacy consists of over a thousand texts, dating between 1603 and 1861, on various topics including history, law, religion, philosophy as well as literature and science.
Access to Archives and Library Reading Rooms in Milan
UniCredit makes its heritage available as valuable resource for the benefit of researchers, scholars and visitors. The Group's cultural heritage extends across books, minutes, correspondences, photographs, films, advertising posters, office furniture as well as antique machinery. It is a vast collection of historical materials highlighting not just the history of our Group, but also of our communities.
Access to the Archives and Library, located in Milan - via Livio Cambi, 1 - is free and available to all interested people upon request.
Consultation of documents and volumes is permitted by appointment.
UniCredit HypoVereinsbank Historical Archive
UniCredit HypoVereinsbank's Historical Archive holds a collection of 10,000 meters of archive material taken from the bank's rich history which started in 1869 when UniCredit Bank AG ("HypoVereinsbank") opened its first branch under the name "Bayerische Vereinsbank AG" in Munich. It represents the most important working basis for research into the bank's German history.
Informations available only in German


UniCredit Bank Austria Historical Archive
UniCredit Bank Austria's Historical Archive is the first archive of an Austrian commercial bank to be accessible for scientific research purposes. Thanks to our archive we are contributing to Austria's economic history and heritage, by also promoting research and the long-term sharing of knowledge. In addition, UniCredit Bank Austria is seen as a model and is strengthening awareness of the importance of banking and corporate archives in Austria.
Informations available only in German