Shareholder structure
UniCredit is a public company, over 85% controlled by professional investors, majority of which are located outside of Italy.
The bank does not have a controlling shareholder or group of shareholders nor shareholders' agreement or any sort of shareholders consultation pact.
1) Company Register, Consob "Model 120A", publicly available information, S&P Global shareholders analysis as of December 2024
2) Including brokers and 80% of unidentified holdings
3) Including treasury shares, CASHES and 20% of unidentified holdings
The above UniCredit shareholders' composition stems from analyses relying on heterogeneous sources, such as the shareholders' register, participation to General Meetings, communications to Consob, public filings available on the market.
The heterogeneity of sources, the different dates of updating of the sources and the dealings in UniCredit shares, are such that the representation provided is the best estimate of the UniCredit shareholders base, but the above sources are not such as to ensure that the composition represented corresponds to the actual shareholders base at any given time.
Major shareholders
Major shareholders | Ordinary shares | % owned |
BlackRock Group | 114,907,383 | 7.377(1) |
Capital Research and Management Company | 80,421,723 | 5.163(2) |
FMR LLC | 48,134,003 | 3.090(1) |
1) non-discretional asset management
2) discretional asset management
* The table shows the information notified by the shareholders pursuant to art. 120 TUF following the update disclosed on the Consob website on 13 March 2025.
The percentages here indicated are calculated on the number of shares representing the updated share capital, as shown below, which takes into account the free capital increase filed and registered with the Company Register on 19 February 2025.
It should be noted that, in the cases provided for by the Issuers' Regulations, management companies and qualified entities that have acquired, as part of their management activities, shareholdings less than 5% are not required to make disclosures.
Share capital | Shares | Euro |
Ordinary shares | 1,557,675,176 | 21,453,835,025.48 |
Summary table situation | yes | no |
Presence of shareholders’ agreement in the company | X | |
Presence of controlling shareholders in the company | X | |
Exercise of an activity of management and coordination by the company | X |