20 July 2020

UniCredit Bank Romania and Brand Minds Association launched a competition to offer grants for business digital transformation projects for a total value of €30,000

2:00 min

UniCredit Bank Romania has launched a programme to reward new small- to medium-sized Romanian companies who are seeking funds to implement digital projects for their business. A dedicated competition will bring seven grants with different values to winning entrepreneurs to allow them to turn their passion and ideas in concrete business opportunities. 


The grants are part of the Academy of Creative Minds (AMC), a financial and entrepreneurial education programme sponsored by UniCredit Bank. Small- to medium-sized companies who wish to take part in the competition can enter between 13 and 31 July. To be eligible they need to have or develop a digital transformation project or one that involves an improvement of an already existing digital component. More details are available at www.unicredit.ro/GranturiAMC. 


As part of the collaboration with AMC, in the last three years UniCredit Bank Romania has met  entrepreneurs from all over the country, organising workshops to help them focus on how to prepare a financial plan , how to promote it and how to make it sustainable.  


“The last months have brought many changes to the lives of Romanian entrepreneurs.  To support their needs we have adapted the format of the Creative Minds Academy program to an online one”, said Cătălina Roman, Director of Identity and Communication at UniCredit Bank. “Our community has moved online, where people can find likeminded people even easily than before. For example, we have been able to offer webinars to 800 entrepreneurs at once.”