17 December 2020

The donation is part of the Art4Future project and aims to further promote the activities of these organisations as well as helping them face the challenges resulting from the Covid crisis

2:00 Min

ypoVereinsbank is supporting 11 social and cultural organisations in Germany with a donation of €1 million from the proceeds of the Art4Future project that involves the selected sale of UniCredit’s artworks in Germany, Italy, and Austria. The aim of the project is to make a positive contribution to the bank’s local communities as well as promote emerging artists. This donation further confirms HypoVereinsbank’s continued strong commitment to promoting art and culture as a key element for the wellbeing and prosperity of the local community.


“As a result of the ongoing pandemic, many social and cultural organisations are facing unprecedented challenges. We are proud to support these organisations as part of our strong commitment to the welfare of our communities. With this donation we help their work, which continues to be especially important this year, contributing to social wellbeing and shared solidarity,” said Dr. Michael Diederich, Spokesman of the Management Board of HypoVereinsbank.


The six social organisations that received a donation are:


  • Caritas
  • Children for a better world e.V.
  • Condrobs e.V.
  • Neues Wohnen Coburg e.V.
  • Stiftung Pfennigparad


All support disadvantaged people through various projects with a focus on enabling and improving their participation in social life, also taking into account the particular challenges of the current period.


Meanwhile the five cultural institutions supported include:


  • Akademieverein München e.V.
  • August Everding Stiftung
  • Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung
  • Gesellschaft Freunde der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München e.V.
  • YEHUDI MENUHIN Live Music Now München e.V.