Ad-hoc-Meldung / Ad hoc Release
nach § 15 WpHG / pursuant to § 15 of the German Securities Trading Act
Statement of the UniCredit Board of Directors regarding derivatives
The Board of Directors of UniCredit, which met in Rome today, examined comments that had appeared recently in the media regarding derivatives transactions concluded with UniCredit Banca d'Impresa customers, and in particular news concerning the alleged "mark to market" for these financial instruments.
Specifically, in order to allay uncertainties concerning credits towards its own customers, the Board announced that the "net mark to market" as at 30/06/07 amounted to about 1 billion Euros.
Milan, 16 October 2007
UniCredito Italiano S.p.A.
Via San Protaso 1/3
20121 Milano
Securities listed on German regulated markets:
ISIN IT0000064854
WKN: 850832
Listed: Official Market (Amtlicher Markt), Frankfurt Stock Exchange (General Standard)
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