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Sofipa Equity Fund: partial pro-quota capital distribution

Today CAPITALIA Sofipa SGR's Board of Directors approved the first partial capital distribution for the closed-end investment fund Sofipa Equity Fund for a total amount of Euro 21.840.000,00, rising out from the divestment of the participations (shares and other equity financial instruments) in the following companies: Teckal S.p.A., Angelo Randazzo S.p.A., OFI S.p.A., Vestar Selenia L.L.P. e Colony Sardegna S.a.r.l.  

The capital distribution is equal to 50.92% of the proceeds coming from the dismissal of the above mentioned financial instruments (Euro 42.892.291,00 with a capital gain of Euro 21.016.287). This amount is approximately equivalent to the book value of the investments, recorded at the historical cost in the fund financial statement.    

This partial capital distribution will be executed in favour of the fund's subscribers in compliance with the fund Byelaws (art 15.2), in order to turn into liquidity a portion of the proceeds coming from the divestment of the above mentioned financial instruments.

For each fund unit will be refunded an amount of Euro 520,00. The partial capital distribution will be settled on November 19, 2007, with detachment of coupon on November 14, 2007.

This press release is also available on the web site, "Archivio Capitalia" section concerning CAPITALIA Sofipa SGR's and Sofipa Equity Fund activity.

CAPITALIA - Sofipa SGR, a company of the Unicredit group, manages two closed-end private equity funds (SEF e SEF II), for a total €305m asset under management. .

Rome, October 29, 2007

Tel: +39 06 420302.1
Andrea Ottaviano
Walter Pierandrei
Francesca Bortolotti