Press release pursuant to Article 70, paragraph 7, lett. c) of Consob Regulation 11971/99
We inform you that today, pursuant to article 70, paragraph 7, letter c) of the Consob Regulation no. 11971/99, it has been made available to the public, through publication on the website of the company in the section "Governance - Corporate transactions", as well as at the UniCredit's registered office and the market management company Borsa Italiana, the resolution approving the merger of UCG Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH into UniCredit, taken by UniCredit Board of Directors on 12th September 2016 pursuant to section 2505 of Italian Civil Code and section 23, paragraph 3 of UniCredit Articles of Association.
This resolution has been registered with the Trade Register on 12th September 2016.
Milan, 16 September 2016
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