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UniCredit Group and AIRC together for a young researchers team of excellence

In keeping with tradition, the President of the Italian Republic, will start officially the Cancer Research Day, that this year will be on the 7th of November.
During the ceremony at the Quirinale, Giorgio Napolitano will receive -  together with representatives from the major State institutions and departments - AIRC, along with its supporters, cancer researchers, and illustrious names from the worlds of art and culture, show business and sport to celebrate Cancer Research Day, of which UniCredit Group is a partner.
The Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi , the Minister of the Research Maria Stella Gelmini, Maestro Claudio Abbado, Professor Umberto Veronesi, and President of the AIRC Piero Sierra are all expected to say a few words during the ceremony.
The Head of State will then make an address to those present and the public in general, and will award a researcher, who has obtained particular progresses, the Biennale FIRC "Guido Venosta" Prize and the "Believe in the research" Prize to whom has displayed admirable commitment to the cancer research cause.

But the high spot will be on Saturday the 8th with the initiative Meet the researchers, that will be realized in 21 of the main Italian cities and there will be an opportunity for open dialogue between scientists, AIRC supporters and students.
The discussion will have as main topic "The value of the experience. The need of innovation", during the meetings people will confront each other about the advantages of the interaction between junior and senior researchers in the research activity.

After having developed, in the last editions, the genetic aspects of the disease and the environment in which the genes act, in 2008 the focus will be on one of the most powerful weapon we have to fight against cancer: the research.
For this reason, after the projects regarding the oncogenomic platforms, AIRC has developed a strategy called Brain Gain, a study and training program that offers recent graduates the chance of a period of work experience away from their place of study: they will work in Italy for three years and then abroad for around two years. After this period of intensive specialization, the AIRC will invite these highly intelligent professionals to bring their know how and creativity back to Italy.

 "My First AIRC grant" is part of this path. This three-year grant encourages young scientists under 40 years of age to present the AIRC with their first independent project so they can demonstrate their ability to manage a research group in Italy. During the years 2009-2011 UniCredit Group together with AIRC will be supporting a team of 11 young researchers; two excellent trainers will support a team ready to reach high goals.
Meet the first researcher in our team.

The Day for Cancer research will be accompanied with a campaign with the aim of increasing awareness and information, that will be broadcasted on RAI network and will be concluded on the 9th of November, a day dedicated to the raise of founds for the three research projects set up to find new cures. From Monday the 3 rd to Sunday the 9th, the radio and TV programs will be dedicated to delve into theme such us the Day for Cancer Research, at the presence of a testimonial from AIRC, because information is considered one of the strongest way to fight against cancer. It will be realized also this year the event related to the Shopping Research Week ( 1-9 November) that will involve about 12.000 point of sales, where there will be the distribution free of charge of a special publication that highlights the strides that have been made by research and which provides plenty of news on tumour prevention and lifestyle choices that could help protect us from harm.
As closure of these several events, in Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th, the eleventh edition of A goal for Research will take place. On this two days

The football players from A and B cathegories will once more act as spokesmen for the AIRC, urging their fans to support cancer research by simply sending an SMS, costing two euros, to the number 4 85 45, and launching appeals across al the sports media.
The 2008 initiative will be leaded by three Italian football stars: Alessandro Del Piero, Gennaro Gattuso and Javier Zanetti.

In 2000 begins the partnership between UniCredit Group and AIRC with the creation of a three-year fund to finance 60 study grants for young researches involved in cancer research. In 2004 on behalf of the AIRC, UniCredit Group launches a project designed to develop 4 Oncogenomics Platforms, an ambitious project that in 2006 becomes reality. After the opening of a technology platform at Federico II University in Naples, 2006 sees the financing of the Candiolo Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) in Turin. Thanks to the efforts of its entire network - clients, employees, banks and group companies - between 2006 and 2008, the UniCredit Group is committed to supporting the production phase of the AIRC Oncogenomics Platform at the Turin IRCC directed by Enzo Medico.

Furthermore in 2007 the Group has realized a special project: thanks to the editorial partnership with Kowalsky Editore, a leading publisher of humor titles and partner of Zelig comedians, UniCredit Group has produced a book that collects some of the best jokes from the 15 comedians from the well-known Italian TV programme. "Zelig" proceeds will go to the AIRC for cancer research, and will be used to fund the oncogenomics projects.

This year UniCredit Group is committed to providing its support, over the next three years, to a new project - the Unicredit Team of Researchers - comprising 11 young scientists chosen via a special competition from among those who already have significant experience in Italy and abroad, and present an innovative independent project to be carried out at an institution of excellence.
A complete commitment, such as the one provided in the last 8 years, that has the aim to give a relevant contribute not only in the field of research, but also promoting the main topics related to prevention to raise the public opinion. 

Rome, 7th November 2008