UniCredit (rated Baa2/BBB/BBB+) has today issued a new senior benchmark with a maturity of 5 year and 4 months and a size of Euro 1.25 billion. Coupon has been set at 3.625% with an issue/re-offer price of 99.61%, resulting in a spread of 225 bps over Swap rate of equivalent maturity.
The deal has encountered strong interest from investors, with an orderbook of approximately Euro 1.7 billion. Over 240 investors participated, well diversified in terms of geographic as well as investor type The allocation by investor types / regions is the following: asset managers (56%), banks (28%), insurance and pension funds (13%); Germany/Austria (25%), Italy (24%) , France (20%), Benelux (7%) UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, Credit Agricole, Goldman Sachs and Nomura have managed the placement acting as joint bookrunners.
The bonds set a new reference point of the UniCredit's outstanding benchmark curve and are documented under the Euro Medium Term Notes Program. Listing will be on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.