UniCredit S.p.A., as promoter of the solicitation of proxies for the Special Meeting of Savings Shareholders held on December 4th 2017 pursuant to Section 137, paragraph 5 of the Consob Regulation no. 11971/99, informs you that the Company:
- has received No. 359 valid, effective and holding voting instructions, proxies for the total amount of 66.294 shares, equal to the 26.26% of the share capital represented by savings shares;
- has received additional No. 6 formally invalid proxies for the total amount of No. 328 shares, equal to 0.13% of the share capital represented by savings shares;
- has received No. 12 proxies, representing No. 1204 shares, equal to 0.48% of share capital represented by savings shares, not admitted to the vote because without the communication of the intermediary;
- has not received any proxy without voting instructions;
- has expressed regarding the proposal contained in the Prospectus for Solicitation published on 27 October 2017 (Mandatory conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares. Amendment of Articles 5, 7, 32 of the Articles of Association. Pertinent and consequent resolutions) and on the basis of the proxies received the following votes:
- in favor No. 64,980 shares, equal to 25.7% of the total amount of savings shares;
- against No. 1209 shares;
- abstained No. 177 shares.
As far as concerning the voting results, the Special Meeting of Savings Shareholder has approved the proposal regarding the mandatory conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares with subsequent amendment of Articles 5, 7, 32 of the Articles of Association.
For further details about the Special Meeting of Savings Shareholder, please refer to the following websites: www.unicreditgroup.eu e www.sodali-transactions.com.
Milan, 5th December 2017
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Tel. + 39 02 88621872; e-mail: InvestorRelations@unicredit.eu