Marion Höllinger
Head of Germany
Marion Höllinger joined Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank AG (now UniCredit Bank GmbH) during her Apprenticeship in 1991. After her Trainee Program, she started as an Affluent relationship manager.
In the following years (1996-2009) she gained valuable experience as Head of Branch and Head of Branch network in the Retail Banking and Small Business Clients divisions as well as in Commercial Banking in various locations. In the meantime, she graduated from the European School of Management and Technology with a degree in General Management.
In January 2010 up to December 2015, she was appointed Head of Area for Landshut and Rosenheim as well as Head of Area for the region South-East Bavaria and was in charge of the divisions Retail Banking, Private Banking and Small Business Clients. Furthermore, she gained deep knowledge in retail banking as Head of Sales Management in Munich and as Head of Region Bavaria East from 2016 to 2018.
In July 2018, after her ad interim experience as Head of Region North in Hamburg, she was appointed Head of Sales Management and Sales Support as well as Head of Network Management from 2020 to 2021. In this role she headed the large commercial segment for the bank.
In August 2021 she was appointed member of the Management Board of UniCredit Bank AG accountable for Private Clients Bank.
In March 2023 she was named Spokeswoman of the Management Board at UniCredit Bank AG (now Spokeswoman of the Executive Board (CEO) at UniCredit Bank GmbH) as well as Head of Germany and Member of UniCredit's Group Executive Committee (GEC).