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Sell-side analysts with active coverage of UniCredit at the research firms listed in the first page of the attachment were asked to submit their latest UniCredit estimates for this consensus collection. Research firms that have recently discontinued UniCredit coverage (some of which may have contributed to prior consensus collection) are not shown on this list. Sell-side analysts who maintain a detailed earnings forecast model are asked to participate in the consensus collection.


Please note that the table below and the downloadable document are a summary of publicly available opinions, estimates and forecasts made by analysts representing 17 brokers covering UniCredit. The document contains a summary of median and average consensus estimates for UniCredit, collected by UniCredit Investor Relations directly from sell-side analysts covering UniCredit.

The opinions, estimates and forecasts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, estimates or forecasts of UniCredit or its management, nor should they be considered as a recommendation to enter into any transaction involving UniCredit securities.

By including this information on its website, UniCredit does not endorse or concur with any of these opinions, estimates or forecasts and disclaims any liability for the completeness, timeliness, accuracy or selection of such information.



Consensus updated after 3Q24 results.



Target price, rating, EPS, DPS

Target price & rating

Average target price, € 47.82
Contributors with rating, # 15
BUY (Overweight, Outperform, Add, Accumulate) 73%
HOLD (Neutral, Market Perform, Equalweight, In line)  27%
SELL (Reduce, Underperform, Underweight)  0%

Stated EPS (1), €

  2024E 2025E 2026E
Average Stated EPS, € 5.87 6.30 6.86
Growth y/y n.m. +7% +9%
Median Stated EPS, € 5.83 6.35 6.94
Growth y/y n.m. +9% +9%
Max  6.56 6.67 7.65
Min 5.57 5.87 6.22

EPS(2), €

  2024E 2025E 2026E
Average EPS, € 5.76 6.25 6.85
Growth y/y n.m. +9% +10%
Median EPS, € 5.77 6.28 6.82
Growth y/y n.m. +9% +8%
Max  5.96 6.58 7.65
Min 5.57 5.96 6.23

DPS(3), €

  2024E 2025E 2026E
Average DPS, € 2.42 3.16 3.51
Growth n.m. +31% +11%
Median DPS, € 2.42 3.30 3.57
Growth n.m. +36% +8%
Max  2.48 3.47 4.04
Min 2.33 2.33 2.76

(1) Stated EPS is calculated by taking the estimates on Stated Net Profit over average outstanding ordinary shares submitted by the individual analysts that participate to the Consensus compiling process.

(2) EPS is calculated by taking the estimates on Net Profit over average outstanding ordinary shares submitted by the individual analysts that participate to the Consensus compiling process.

(3) DPS is calculated by taking the absolute cash dividends over EoP number of ordinary shares estimates submitted by the individual analysts that participate to the Consensus compiling process.



Consensus full table 


Consensus(4) 2024E   2025E   2026E  
€m Average Median Average Median Average Median
Total revenues 24,665 24,692 23,971 23,975 24,076 24,123
Net interest 14,139 14,150 13,303 13,296 13,068 13,136
Net commissions 8,130 8,112 8,373 8,404 8,671 8,735
Trading income 1,812 1,810 1,666 1,691 1,635 1,665
Dividends 470 473 486 477 488 478
Balance 113 124 76 81 77 83
Operating costs -9,375 -9,372 -9,439 -9,438 -9,515 -9,503
Staff expenses -5,825 -5,820 -5,861 -5,839 -5,914 -5,890
Other administrative expenses -2,675 -2,619 -2,708 -2,653 -2,729 -2,676
Recovery of expenses 235 228 250 234 249 239
Depreciation and amortisation  -1,066 -1,076 -1,078 -1,090 -1,078 -1,087
Gross operating profit 15,290 15,287 14,531 14,574 14,560 14,668
Net write-downs on loans -639 -631 -1,025 -1,060 -1,118 -1,118
Net operating profit 14,651 14,629 13,506 13,499 13,442 13,500
Other charges & provisions -961 -979 -559 -535 -541 -495
 o/w Systemic Charges -525 -526 -371 -401 -350 -340
  o/w DGS -266 -267 -142 -162 -140 -163
  o/w Bank levies -222 -225 -214 -229 -207 -223
  o/w SRF -28 -25 -35 -28 -34 -27
Integration costs -635 -614 -150 -127 -115 -110
Net profit (loss) from investments -60 -48 -35 -17 -34 -18
Profit (loss) before tax 12,967 12,959 12,760 12,772 12,748 12,770
Income taxes -3,394 -3,424 -3,434 -3,510 -3,463 -3,543
Net profit (loss) of discontinued operations 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minorities -30 -29 -29 -30 -31 -30
PPA -1 0 -1 0 -1 0
Goodwill impairment 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stated Net profit 9,539 9,401 9,275 9,234 9,230 9,195
Net Profit 9,405 9,371 9,263 9,214 9,215 9,195
AT1 Coupon (post tax basis) -235 -233 -234 -226 -232 -227
Cashes Coupon (post tax basis) -202 -200 -191 -187 -187 -184
Net Profit after AT1 and Cashes 8,992 8,925 8,817 8,823 8,824 8,829
RWA, EoP 281,679 281,167 292,064 293,285 297,350 298,648
CET1% 15.7% 15.8% 15.0% 14.9% 14.7% 14.5%

(4) Please note that the number of contributors may vary line by line and by reference period. Hence some quarter-end figures may not match the year-end ones. NB: The consensus figures represent the line-by-line median of the estimates provided by the analysts, therefore are not additive.


"Stated net profit" means accounting net profit.
"Net profit" means Stated net profit adjusted for impacts from DTAs tax loss carry forward resulting from sustainability test. The result is used for cash dividend accrual / total distribution.
"Net profit after AT1 and Cashes" means Net profit as defined above adjusted for impacts from AT1 and Cashes coupons. The result is used for RoTE and RoAC calculation.


Updated on 27 November 2024.