07 October 2020

In light of current Covid-19 levels across Europe, we have taken the decision to maintain the current maximum occupancy levels for our larger buildings until the end of the year

2:00 min

Your health and safety is our number one priority and, based on the best available data, it is not appropriate to make any changes at this time.

As always, we will continue to monitor the situation closely. Please continue to Do the Right Thing! to keep you and your colleagues safe:

  1.  Work with your manager to plan your rotations and find flexible solutions that work for you. Remember to always respect the assigned rotations and not to trade days with other colleagues
  2. Follow the Golden Rules to ensure everyone’s safety in and around our places for work
  3. Be aware of the latest Group and local health authority guidelines on travel
  4. Always book both your entrance in the office and your smart working days through the available channels

Thank you again for your continued commitment.