WomenXImpact: supporting female empowerment
Wednesday 15 December 2021
UniCredit was the Main Sponsor of the most eagerly awaited international event of the year, entirely dedicated to women's leadership and the future of employment.
WomenXImpact, the key international event dedicated to women's leadership and the future of employment, which saw UniCredit as the main sponsor, has just come to an end. This partnership was developed from the common ambition to facilitate dialogue and encounters between the banking world and the female universe, and thus bear witness to the commitment that has been put in place to enhance talent and growth opportunities for the women of today and of tomorrow.
Three days of meetings organised in hybrid format, with the possibility of attending both physically - at FICO Eataly World in Bologna - and online on the event website, to listen to experiences of female leadership, life stories and winning career strategies.
UniCredit joined the event with two speeches:
What if financial advice were a profession for women?
In her speech, Manuela D'Onofrio, Head of Group Investment Strategy at UniCredit and Joint General Manager and Head of Investments & Solutions at Cordusio SIM, said: "When people think of a financial advisor, they often imagine a male figure. But my experience has taught me that women are often very good at this job, because they know how to listen to clients and understand their real needs, even those they don't express in words. This is a fundamental quality for doing well not only in this job, but in all jobs where there is a relationship with clients. On the other hand, the problem for many women is insecurity, they don't perceive how much they are worth, they don't know how to ask for more, even when they deserve it. My advice? Stop feeling guilty towards your family if you can't do everything: learn to delegate and don't forget that your own satisfaction is also important.
Women and careers in Southern Italy: a challenge that can be met.
The round table was attended by Annalisa Areni, Regional Manager UniCredit Southern Italy, Imma Simioli, CEO of Fresystem, and Valeria Fascione, Councillor for Research, Innovation and Startups for the Campania Region.
What must drive, in all areas, in the North and in the South, is the will to change things," said Annalisa Areni. "We need to look at merit, set goals and always keep them in mind. The real problem women face in Southern Italy, even before their career, is the lack of infrastructures. We need support services, public transport, nursery schools, so that women don't have to give up their jobs in order to look after their families. If not we lose opportunities, we all do. We will never break the glass ceiling if there are only a few of us who make it to the top. But to get there in numbers we must start in numbers. My advice? Don't give up your hunger for the future, your desire to grow, even when it's difficult. And even if it takes time to change things, start by taking small steps.”