15 February 2021

A new project from the COO area wants to leverage on the ideas, energy and proactiveness of colleagues from across the Group.

2:00 Min

Following the success of its ‘End Customer Voice’ project, the COO area’s ‘Sense of Purpose’ initiative is back with a new project.


Sharing, learning and growing are priorities for our working lives as well as our personal lives – so why not help your colleagues by recoding a short video on Yammer?


The new project aims to support collaboration and enhance engagement by sharing short inspirational videos – or DROPs – in the dedicated Yammer community, so that others can then comment, draw inspiration and vote on the different contributions.


Listen to the COOs and other colleagues to learn more about UniCredit DROPs and how you can get involved!

Read also here DROPs for rules, tips and tricks on becoming a DROP-per.


Colleagues in Italy, Germany, CZ&SK and the UniCredit Services team, who are already on Yammer, can already join the DROPs Community.


Other colleagues can explore the DROPs project and find dedicated instructions on MarketPlace.


Until 23 April 2021, you can post videos on the first topic, “working from home in a sustainable way.”


Listen to the video below, in which topic sponsors Emanuele Recchia, Head of Labour Policies, Industrial Relations & Welfare and Angelo Carletta, Head of HR COO explain it is so relevant to us all.

Share your thoughts on how to prosper and successfully balance all your needs when working remotely, our new work etiquette, taking breaks, different ways of holding meetings and anything else you have learned, thought or felt that may help colleagues facing a similar situation.


Every week, in Yammer and in the MarketPlace you will receive a suggestion for a different perspective on our main theme, for you to use as inspiration for your DROP.