18 March 2021

The pandemic has changed the way we live, work and do business - perhaps forever...

2:00 Min

... Some people have discovered activities that are possible to do remotely; others have simply bought more on-line purchases. Business has changed quickly, and so has UniCredit!

UniCredit is transforming and maximising productivity through new ways of working. COVID-19 has accelerated client adoption of remote banking, and UniCredit is accelerating digital and remote banking transformation, while staying close to customers using our bricks and mortar network.


Across the Group's geographies, this acceleration has been evident. Each business has a story, as UniCredit always remains close to their people. And this acceleration will help UniCredit further improve client services.


As we transition to new ways of working, we hear stories from across the Group about the ways we do business remotely in different UniCredit countries.




Commercial Banking Western Europe

In Western Europe, we have seized the opportunity to redesign our Customer Service Model to become the Bank of Choice for clients.


The objective is to move from a service model mainly based on physical interaction to a model where customers can switch seamlessly between preferred channels – be that physical, digital or remote. Of course, the branch network continues to play a crucial role, being the hub for the relationship with customers.


The new customer service model will impact core segments in Western Europe - retail, SMEs and wealth management, enhancing products and service offerings. UniCredit in Western Europe is quickly progressing towards better remote interactions with clients and boosting digitalisation by:


  • stepping up digital adoption through on-line and mobile banking;
  • further increasing digital sales and the remote advisory, enabling a higher share of products and services that can be accessed remotely, also thanks to the consolidation of remote relationship managers;
  • strengthening of call centers to improve service level and make it a banking channel.


Thanks to these initiatives, we are quickly progressing towards better remote interactions with our clients and increasing digital sales – for example by 2021 more than 80% of our products will be available on digital and remote channels.


We have already achieved significant results in 2020:

  • in Italy, we activated more than three million downloads of the UniCredit Mobile App, up 55 per cent compared to 2019;
  • in Germany, we tripled our strategic dialogue with customers compared to 2019;
  • more than 55% of clients in Austria are Digital Active Users.


In the coming weeks we will find out in more detail about different initiatives across the Group’s countries including Eastern Europe, and Corporate & Investment Banking.