Music Streets: The Concert

On Tuesday, February 11, at 6 p.m., the closing performance of Music Streets will take place in Milan's Piazza Gae Aulenti - as well as online at website and YouTube channel. This is the final event of an innovative series of programs organized by UniCredit and the Filarmonica della Scala.
This unique concert will feature five street artists previously selected in an online poll performing with five of the orchestra's musicians. The well-known Italian DJ Linus will conduct.
The audience in the piazza and online will be treated to a performance of musical works by Antonio Vivaldi (The Four Seasons), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Turkish March), Erik Satie (Gnossienne), and Eric Carmen (Rachmaninov's All by Myself), all of which have been arranged by Stefano Nanni. Mr Nanni will perform on the piano, and the other musicians will include Giuseppe Ettore on contrabass, Giuseppe Cacciola on percussion, Fabrizio Meloni on clarinet, Danilo Rossi on viola, Cheyenne Handman on the unusual Swiss percussion instrument known as the Hang, Felice Pantone on musical saw, Jakub Rizman on harp, Maria Norina Liccardo on accordion, and Valter Tessaris on guitar.
Music Streets will kick off the celebration of UniCredit's 15th anniversary and is part of a new initiative that makes use of social networks to promote the bank's innovations and enhance its proximity to the people it serves. This project was realized through a long-term partnership between UniCredit and the Filarmonica della Scala that began in 2000. The partnership is based on shared values and common goals: the pursuit of international excellence, a desire to unite people through a common language, and a commitment to making culture accessible to a broader public. In light of these objectives, Music Streets is particularly compelling in its ability to combine different kinds of music.
For more information or to watch the concert in live streaming, please visit
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