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The Launch of Giovanni Moro’s New Book, La moneta della discordia

The Launch of Giovanni Moro’s New Book, La moneta della discordia

Italian sociologist Giovanni Moro's newest book, La moneta della discordia, will be presented at the Libreria Coop Ambasciatori (via Orefici, 19)in Bologna on Friday, February 24 at 6:00 pm. Published as part of the UniCredit-supported research project, "The Other Side of the Coin: The Single Currency and European Citizenship," the book is in recognition of the euro's tenth anniversary.


La moneta della discordia investigates the "hidden side" of the euro and its relationship not only with banks and governments, but with all EU citizens. The introduction of the single European currency brought about new identities, relationships, values, cultural patterns and lifestyles.

Moro's book also includes an interview with Romano Prodi, the former Italian Prime Minister and President of the European Commission who steered Italy to adopt the euro.


Moro will introduce his book at the event, together with Romano Prodi and Giuseppe Scognamiglio, UniCredit's Head of Public Affairs.


For more information, please visit


La moneta della discordia official book launch

Friday, February 24 at 6:00 pm

Libreria Coop Ambasciatori

Via Orefici, 19 - Bologna


Admission is free and subject to availability.