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  5. Start-up Your Life has been awarded the Gold Medal "Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program"
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Start-up Your Life has been awarded the Gold Medal "Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program"

Start-up Your Life has been awarded the Gold Medal “Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program”

Start-up Your Life, UniCredit Social Impact Banking's educational program, has been awarded the Gold Medal "Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program" by Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Learning Award.

The award was received together with our partner i-Sapiens.

Start-up Your Life is a UniCredit Social Impact Banking 's project, recognized by a memorandum of understanding between the Bank and the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) to support the development of key skills and provide orientation for young people's future.

It aims to raise awareness on economic and financial topics among high school students and technical and professional institutions, as well as to bring out their entrepreneurial spirit.

The program features a three-year course on the core arguments in financial and entrepreneurial education (e.g. payment methods, responsible saving, developing a business, etc.) and offers:

  • concrete learning opportunities through an innovative online platform
  • classroom learning with tutors selected among colleagues and former colleagues associated to UniGens volunteers association
  • development of significant project work activities

Since the School year 2017-18, the program was carried out in more than 270 schools (high schools, technical and professional institutes) throughout Italy involving 25.300 students through classroom and on line training, tutorials, project work with the support of 450 tutors.