UniCredit is the main partner of the TEDxTorino event which will take place on Sunday 10 February, at 2 pm, in UniManagement Turin - Sala Agorà.
This is the first and most important event for 2019 and it celebrates science and technology achievements the Homo Sapiens has reached 500 years after the death of Leonardo Da Vinci.
This partnership shows UniCredit's pro-active role in recognizing and supporting innovative ideas.
Since 2014 the bank has been promoting and supporting specific projects such as UniCredit Start Lab and UniCredit 4 Growth, launched in Turin in 2018, as incredible investments on human capital and made in Italy business. The main goal is building up a solid an sustainable business model by taking actions that foster modern skills.
TEDxTorino. Genius Ex Machina.

UniManagement - sala Agorà
Via XX Settembre, 29