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  5. Supplement to the Information Document concerning the merger of Capitalia S.p.A. into UniCredit S.p.A.
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Supplement to the Information Document concerning the merger of Capitalia S.p.A. into UniCredit S.p.A.

With reference to the above mentioned merger, today the supplement to the Information Document - published on 18th July 2007 pursuant to Sect. 70, par. 4, of the Issuers Consob Regulation - has been made available to the public. Such additional information, referring to the events occurred after the date of the Information Document, has been prepared for the purposes of the declaration of equivalence pursuant to Sect. 57, par. 1, lett. d) of the Issuers Consob Regulation.
In this connection, it is hereby announced that on 26th September 2007 Consob issued the declaration of the equivalence regarding the Information Document as supplemented. The above mentioned declaration of equivalence will allow UniCredit not to publish a prospectus for the admission to trading on a regulated market of the new shares to be issued to service the exchange following the merger of Capitalia S.p.A. into UniCredit S.p.A.

Milan, 28th September 2007


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