UniCredit informs that the shares deriving from the free capital increase pursuant to section 2442 of the Civil Code resolved by the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting held on 29 April 2009 (by the issuance of 29 new ordinary shares for each 159 ordinary shares owned and 7 new savings shares for each 60 savings shares owned, with unit nominal value of € 0.50 per share), will be assigned to entitled holders through Monte Titoli (the Centralised Administration Services) participants on 21st May 2009. The shares will be traded "ex attribution" as of 18 May 2009. The new ordinary and saving shares, issued to execute the capital increase, will have entitlement date 1st January 2009.
The resolution passed by the Extraordinary Shareholders meeting has been filed with the Company Register on 11th May 2009.
The new share capital will be Euro 8,389,215,286.50 and is divided into 16,778,430,573 shares of Euro 0.50 each, in turn made up of 16,754,191,590 ordinary shares and 24,238,983 savings shares.
UniCredit S.p.A
Milan, May 13th 2009
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