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"One for clients" Project

"One for clients" Project
Press release pursuant to section 70, paragraph 5, lett. a) of Consob regulation n 11971/99


In relation with the merger into UniCredit S.p.A. of UniCredit Banca S.p.A., UniCredit Banca di Roma S.p.A., Banco di Sicilia S.p.A., UniCredit Corporate Banking S.p.A., UniCredit Private Banking S.p.A., UniCredit Family Financing Bank S.p.A. and UniCredit Bancassurance Management & Administration S.c.r.l., having Bank of Italy granted its authorization as provided for by Article 57 of the Italian Banking Act, the following documentation has been put today at the disposal of the public pursuant to section 70, paragraph 5, lett. a) of Consob regulation n 11971/99:


1. Merger Plan;
2. Balance sheets as at 31 December 2009, taken as financial statements of the companies involved in the project.


The same documentation has also been published on the web site, in the section Governance, Corporate merger transactions.



Milan, 30 June 2010





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