With regard to the appointment of the Permanent and Substitute UniCredit Statutory Auditors on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting called on May 11th 2013 in single call, the Company gives notice that the following lists, together with the required documentation, were filed with the Head Office within the April 16th 2013 term and made public today at the Company's Registered Office and Head Office as well as at Borsa Italiana and on the UniCredit website (www.unicreditgroup.eu/shareholdersmeeting2013):
- List presented by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Verona Vicenza Belluno e Ancona (holding no. 204,508,472 ordinary shares corresponding to about 3.533% of the share capital) that proposes as Permanent Statutory Auditor candidates Mr. Alberti Giovanni Battista, Mr. Bisoni Cesare, Mr. Laghi Enrico, Ms. De Simone Maria Rosaria and Mr. Trotter Alessandro and as Substitute Statutory Auditor candidates Ms. Bonato Federica, Mr. Sfameni Paolo Domenico, Mr. Paolucci Guido and Mr. Tutino Franco Luciano (List no. 1);
- List presented by some Funds (holding cumulatively no. 64,828,623 ordinary shares corresponding to about 1.12% of the share capital) that propose as Permanent Statutory Auditor candidates Mr. Lauri Maurizio and Ms. Spinardi Maria Enrica and as Substitute Statutory Auditor candidates Mr. Lacchini Marco and Ms. Lombardini Beatrice (List no. 2).
Milan, 19th April 2013