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  5. Assessment of the requirements of the Substitute Statutory Auditor appointed by the Shareholders' meeting
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Assessment of the requirements of the Substitute Statutory Auditor appointed by the Shareholders' meeting

The UniCredit Board of Directors held on 6 June 2014 verified the integrity, experience and independence requirements for the Substitute Statutory Auditor, Mr. Pierpaolo Singer, appointed by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 13 May 2014, as laid down by current legal and regulatory provisions as well as by the Articles of Association.


In particular, as far as the independence is concerned, the Board of Directors verified the possession of the requirements as laid down by sec. 148 of the Consolidated Law on Finance and sec. 3 of the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies based on the declarations made by the person concerned, on the information available to the Company concerning any relationships held (either directly or indirectly) with the Group that might affect their independence, also taking into account some significance criteria such as the credit relationships, the credit amount granted and its weight vis-à-vis the system, the position of the receiver vis-à-vis the relevant leading figure (office held, kinship, controlling shareholding) as well as the professional/commercial relationships.                                        



Milan, June 10, 2014