Press release pursuant to Article 70, paragraph 7, lett. a) of Consob Regulation 11971/99
Following the release of the Bank of Italy authorization pursuant to Article 57 of the Italian Banking Act related to the merger of UCG Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH into UniCredit SpA, in accordance with Article 70, paragraph 7, lett. a) of Consob regulation 11971/99, the documentation listed below has been made available to the public today:
1. merger plan and report of the directors pursuant to article 2501 quinquies of the civil code;
2. balance sheets as of 31 December 2015, considered as financial statements of the companies involved in the transaction.
The same documentation has also been published on UniCredit SpA website within the section Governance, Corporate transactions, at the following address:
Media Relations
tel +39 02 88623569
e mail:
Investor Relations
tel +39 02 88621872
e mail: