The shareholders of UniCredit S.p.A. are hereby convened in an Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on January 12th, 2017, at 11:00 am, at 180 Viale Umberto Tupini in Rome, in single call, to discuss and decide on the following
Extraordinary part
1. Share capital increase for cash consideration up to an aggregate amount of Euro 13 billion, including any share premium, to be carried out no later than 30 June 2017, also in one or more tranches and in a divisible form, through the issue of ordinary shares, with regular entitlement, to be pre-emptively offered to the Company's ordinary shareholders and holders of saving shares pursuant to Article 2441, first, second and third paragraphs of the Italian Civil Code. Subsequent amendments to Company's articles of association and resolutions related thereto
2. Reverse stock split of UniCredit's ordinary and savings shares, at a ratio of 1 new ordinary share, with regular entitlement, per 10 existing ordinary shares and 1 new savings share, with regular entitlement, per 10 existing savings shares, after cancellation of ordinary and savings shares in the minimum number necessary to allow the balancing of the entire transaction, without reduction of the share capital. Subsequent amendments to the Company's articles of association and resolutions related thereto
Ordinary part
1. Appointment of Directors for integration of the Board of Directors
Right to attend, and vote at, the Shareholders' Meeting
On the basis of sec. 83-sexies of the TUF, there are legitimated to attend, and vote at, the Shareholders' Meeting those persons regarding whom, at their request and within the terms provided for by current provisions, the qualified brokers concerned (the ones who hold the accounts on which the UniCredit shares are recorded) have sent the Company the communications attesting the title to the right according to the records referred to the end of the January 3rd, 2017, accounting day (the so-called record date). The credit and debt recordings carried out on the accounts after such a term are not significant as far as concerns the right to vote and, therefore, those who will prove to be shareholders only after such a date will not have the right to attend, and vote at, the Meeting.
No provisions have been made for voting by correspondence or using electronic means.
Voting proxies and the Company's designated representative
Persons having the right to vote may be represented through execution of a written proxy pursuant to current laws and regulations. To that end, it is possible to use either the proxy form issued by the authorized intermediaries at the request of the voting rights holder or the proxy form available on the Company's website. The representative may, in place of the original, deliver to or send the Company a copy of the proxy, potentially in electronic format, confirming, under his/her own responsibility, the identity of the delegating shareholder and that the document is a true copy of the original. The Company may be given notice of the voting proxy granted by means of a document in electronic format with a digital signature pursuant to sec. 21, Sub-sec. 2, of the Legislative Decree no. 82/05 by sending an e-mail to ShareholdersDelegation@unicredit.eu.
The proxy may also be given to Computershare S.p.A., with registered office in Milan, in its role as representative designated by the Company for this purpose pursuant to sec. 135-undecies of the TUF, according to the ways envisaged by current rules and regulations as explained on the Company website. In that regard, Computershare S.p.A. has put forward a specific proxy form, which is accessible through the section of the Company website specifically dedicated to this Shareholders' Meeting. The proxy for the designated representative, to be sent to the addresses and in the manner specified in the mentioned form, must contain voting instructions for all, or some of, the proposals on the agenda and must reach the aforesaid representative no later than January 10th, 2017. Within the same deadline, the proxy and the voting instructions may also be revoked according to the manner indicated in the proxy form. The proxy is only valid for the proposals for which voting instructions have been provided.
Additions to the agenda, submission of new resolution proposals on items already on the agenda and right to ask questions before the Shareholders' Meeting
The right to add to the Shareholders' Meeting agenda and/or to submit new resolution proposals on items already on the agenda may be exercised by shareholders that, even jointly, hold at least 0.50% of the share capital in the cases and according to the methods established by sec. 126-bis of the TUF, within December 23th, 2016. Shareholder additions to the agenda are not admissible for topics which Shareholders' Meetings are called upon to resolve, according to law, following the submission of proposals by the Directors, or on the basis of plans or reports drafted by the Directors, other than those indicated in sec. 125-ter, Sub-sec. 1, of the TUF. The requests - together with the documentation certifying the ownership of the shareholding - must be sent to the attention of the Group Corporate Affairs Department and submitted in writing, or sent via registered mail with receipt notice, to UniCredit S.p.A.'s Registered Office or its Head Office; the requests may also be sent via certified e-mail to corporate.law@pec.unicredit.eu. Within the same deadline, and with the same ways, the Board of Directors must be sent, by the requiring or applying Shareholders, a report giving the reason for the request or the proposal. The legitimation of the applicant shall be ascertained on the basis of the notice given by the broker according to sec. 23 of the Regulation concerning central depositories' and settlement services, guarantee systems and related management companies (Bank of Italy and CONSOB Resolution dated 22 February 2008 and following changes).
Additions to the agenda and further resolution proposals on items already on the agenda shall be made public, in the same ways established for the publication of the notice of call, according to the terms outlined in the applicable provisions of law or regulations. At the same time, the reports drawn up by the persons requiring the additions and/or the further resolution proposals submitted, together with any Board of Directors' considerations, will be made available to the public, in the same ways provided for the documents concerning the Meeting.
Any person entitled to vote may individually submit resolution proposals at the Shareholders' Meeting.
Pursuant to the provisions of sec. 127-ter of the TUF, the persons who are entitled to vote may submit questions pertaining to items on the agenda even prior to the Shareholders' Meeting, sending them by post to the Company's Registered Office (with the express indication: "To the attention of the Group Corporate Affairs Department") or via e-mail to corporate.law@pec.unicredit.eu. The questions received as above no later than January 9th, 2017, and that prove to be pertinent to the matters on the Agenda, will be given an answer, at the latest, during the Shareholders' Meeting as established by the rules of law. The legitimation of the applicant shall be ascertained on the basis of the notice given by the broker according to sec. 23 of the Regulation concerning central depositories' and settlement services, guarantee systems and related management companies, or by means of the communication pursuant to Article 83-sexies of the TUF, issued by the broker to allow attendance of the Shareholders' Meeting.
The Company will not answer questions that do not abide by the above modalities, due dates and conditions.
The UniCredit website contains further information about the methods to be used and conditions to be complied with for adding to the agenda or for asking questions prior to the Shareholders' Meeting.
Documents for the Shareholders' Meeting
The full text of the resolution proposals, together with the related explanatory Reports, and the other documents concerning the items on the agenda are available to the public, at the same time as this Notice of, at the Company's Registered Office and its Head Office, on the website of the market management company Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (www.borsaitaliana.it), on the website of the authorized storage mechanism managed by BIt Market Services S.p.A. (www.emarketstorage.com), as well as on the UniCredit website.
The Shareholders may obtain copies of such documents.
Information concerning the share capital and the shares with voting rights
On the day this notice is published, UniCredit's share capital, fully paid-up, amounts to Euro 20,846,893,436.94 and is divided into 6,180,343,073 shares with no nominal value, in turn made up of 6,177,818,177 ordinary shares and 2,524,896 savings shares. Each ordinary share gives the right to one vote, except for the 47,600 own shares and the 96,756,406 shares for which UniCredit S.p.A. has a right of usufruct created by Mediobanca - Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A., for which voting rights have been suspended. Finally, pursuant to Clause 5, para. 3, of the Articles of Association, no one entitled to vote may, for any reason whatsoever, vote for a number of shares exceeding 5% of the share capital bearing voting rights.
Website and Company addresses
Any reference in this document to the Company's or UniCredit's website is to be understood as a reference, also pursuant to the provisions of sec. 125-quater of Legislative Decree no. 58/98, to the following address:
The address of UniCredit S.p.A.'s Registered Office is Via Alessandro Specchi no. 16 - 00186 Rome.
The address of UniCredit S.p.A.'s Head Office is Piazza Gae Aulenti no. 3, Tower A - 20154 Milan.
An excerpt of this notice is published on December 13th, 2016, in the newspapers "Il Sole 24Ore" and "MF", as well as in the "Financial Times" (European edition) and in the "Handelsblatt".
Milan, 13th December, 2016
Signed by Giuseppe Vita
Shareholders having the right to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise their right to vote are kindly requested to arrive before the time scheduled for the beginning of the Meeting, bringing with them a copy of the statement requested to the relevant intermediary pursuant to Article 83-sexies of the TUF as well as a personal identification document, so as to facilitate the admission procedures and ensure the Meeting starts on time.
Shareholders who entertain an equity deposit agreement with the Bank and who can effect transactions by means of the UniCredit S.p.A. Internet Banking system may ask for the admittance tickets for the Meeting also through such means.
Information regarding how to take part in the Meeting can be obtained telephonically from the TOLL-FREE NUMBER 800.307.307, available on weekdays from 8.30am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.
Media Relations: Tel. +39 02 88623569; e-mail: MediaRelations@unicredit.eu
Investor Relations: Tel: +39 02 88621872; e-mail: InvestorRelations@unicredit.eu