UniCredit notes the announcements made today by the European Banking Authority and the Bank of Italy regarding the information of the EU-wide Transparency Exercise 2016 and fulfilment of the EBA Board of Supervisors' decision.
Background 2016 EU-wide Transparency Exercise
The Board of Supervisors of the EBA decided in its meeting of 20 of April 2016 to carry out a Transparency Exercise in 2016, which will be done onwards regularly with annual frequency. It will be published at the same time as the Risk Assessment Report (RAR). The annual transparency exercise will be based solely on COREP/FINREP data on the form and scope to assure a sufficient and appropriate level of information to market participants.
The templates were centrally filled in by the EBA and sent afterwards for verification by banks and supervisors.
The 2016 Transparency exercise covers two reference dates: 31 December 2015 and 30 June 2016.
List of information provided
The following set of information was collected for disclosure:
i. Composition of capital
ii. Composition of RWA by risk type
iii. Composition of Profit & Loss (P&L)
iv. Market risk exposure
v. Credit risk exposures displayed by regulatory approach (A-IRB, F-IRB, STA)
vi. Exposures to sovereigns (direct and indirect exposures by maturity buckets and country)
vii. Information on performing and non-performing exposures
viii. Forborne exposures
Milan, 2nd December 2016
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