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UniCredit: assessment of new Directors' requirements


UniCredit S.p.A. informs you that in its meeting today, the Board of Directors assessed the necessary  requirements for Directors Mr. Balbinot and Mr. Mustier, appointed - respectively - on June 9 and 30 last.


In particular, as far as Director Mr. Balbinot is concerned:

 - the existence of the independence requirements laid down by sec. 148 of the Legislative Decree no. 58/98, based on the declarations made by the Director concerned and on the basis of the information available to the Company, has been verified. We remind you that the Director declared being non-independent  pursuant to  the UniCredit S.p.A. Articles of Association and the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies;

-  the assessment of his possession of  the integrity and experience requirements has been completed.


As far as Director Mr. Mustier is concerned - non independent pursuant both to the UniCredit S.p.A. Articles of Association and the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies  and also to sec. 148 of the Legislative Decree no. 58/98 -  the Board of Directors assessed the possession of  the integrity and experience requirements, with special regard to the taking on of the office as Chief Executive Officer starting  from next July 12.

The Board of Directors has determined that both Directors meet its qualitative and quantitative Profile, also with regard to the maximum number of offices to be held. 




Milan, July 11, 2016





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