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  5. April 11, 2019 Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting. Notice of filing of the 2018 Annual Financial Report
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April 11, 2019 Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting. Notice of filing of the 2018 Annual Financial Report

The Company informs you that today is made available to the public, at the Company's Registered Office, on the website of the authorized storage mechanism "eMarket STORAGE" managed by Spafid Connect S.p.A. (, as well as on the UniCredit's website the documentation relating to the Shareholders' Meeting convened on 11 April 2019:


-   the 2018 individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements accompanied by the documentation required by law

-   the integrated report - the consolidated non financial statement (ex Legislative Decree no. 254/2016)

-   the report on the corporate governance and ownership structure, drafted in accordance with Section 123/bis of the Legislative Decree no. 58/98.


It should be noted that the financial statements and/or the summary statements of UniCredit's subsidiaries and affiliated companies pursuant to article 2429, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Civil Code, as well as the financial statements prepared for the purpose of drawing up the consolidated financial statements of the  relevant subsidiaries not belonging to the European Union prepared pursuant to article 15 of the "Markets Regulation" Consob no. 20249/2017, will be made available for public viewing at the Company's Registered Office as from March 27, 2019.




Milan, March 19, 2019






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