UniCredit has launched two bank accounts to help Haitian people recover from earthquake damages and promoted a fund raising among its 166.000 employees across 22 Countries.
As part of its solidarity initiatives, the UniCredit Group invites its 166,000 employees in the 22 countries in which it operates to contribute to the collection of funds to provide immediate assistance to the people of Haiti struck by the earthquake.
In Italy, UniCredit has started to collect funds for two organizations already active in Haiti, Médecins sans Frontières and The Francesca Rava Foundation. The Group has also joined the initiative announced by the banking sector and agreed to by labour unions and the Italian Bankers Association.
Below you will find the bank accounts details:
MEDICI SENZA FRONTIERE ONLUS (www.msf.org, www.medicisenzafrontiere.it)
IBAN: IT 27 K 01020 03200 000300758078
FONDAZIONE FRANCESCA RAVA - N.P.H. ITALIA ONLUS (http://www.nphitalia.org)
IBAN: IT 74 V 02008 01613 000100874100
UniCredit also joined the solidarity project financed by Fondo Nazionale del Settore del Credito
for solidarity projects "Pro solidar", in order to use all the instruments available on a corporate and collective level.
The employment of the collected money will be easily monitored through the National Fund website: www.prosolidar.eu
In the other countries in which UniCredit is present, discussions are currently taking place regarding which humanitarian organisations will receive the aid money collected for Haiti.
Unidea - UniCredit Foundation, the Group's non-profit foundation, will make a matching contribution. It will contribute the same amount that the employees of the Group have donated, up to a maximum of EUR 250,000.
Milan, 19 January 2010
Media Relations
Tel +39 02 8862.8236
Mail: mediarelations@unicreditgroup.eu