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UniCredit releases its 2015 Integrated Report


  • Report details the Group's commitment to sustainable value creation
  • Overview of financial and non-financial data



MILAN, April 14, 2016 - Following approval by the Board of Directors, UniCredit has released its 2015 Integrated Report, which provides a comprehensive account of the Group's financial performance and the sustainable progress of its business.


The report describes how UniCredit creates sustainable value that has a positive impact on society by supporting the advancement of local communities, the competitiveness of enterprises and the well-being of individuals. The company fully intends to continue these efforts, particularly in light of the recent adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations.


"We exist to bring prosperity to individuals, enterprises and communities," said UniCredit CEO Federico Ghizzoni after the UniCredit Annual General Meeting. "That is the true purpose of UniCredit. Our Group remains focused on its role and on the fact that the success of all our stakeholders ensures our sustainability as a business."


The 2015 Integrated Report details UniCredit's activities over the past year in the countries where it has significant operations: Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.


The report has been prepared according to the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the Financial Services Sector Disclosures published in May 2013 by the Global Reporting Initiative.


Milan, 15 April, 2016



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