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  5. Zagrebacka banka sold non performing exposures portfolio granted to corporate and individual customers
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Zagrebacka banka sold non performing exposures portfolio granted to corporate and individual customers


UniCredit announces that Zagrebačka banka d.d. ("the Bank",) has concluded an agreement with APS Delta s.r.o. (owned by APS Holding a.s., Czech Republic) in relation to the disposal of a portfolio composed by fully impaired and partially impaired loans granted to corporate and private individual customers, for a  total gross balance sheet exposure HRK 3,34bn on 30.04.2014 (equivalent to approximately Euro 450mn) (the "Agreement").


The Agreement has been signed upon obtaining a positive opinion by the Croatian National Bank on complying with the conditions for sale of material amount of placements.


The sale is part of the overall UniCredit Group's on-going strategy to reduce  non performing exposure.


The P&L impact will be reflected in the second quarter 2017 financial statements [1].



Milan/Zagreb, 22 May, 2017




[1] already signed off and classified as held for sale in 1q17 results







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