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  5. UniCredit employees and Foundation raise over 1.2 million euros to support Italian hospitals in the fight against Covid-19
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UniCredit employees and Foundation raise over 1.2 million euros to support Italian hospitals in the fight against Covid-19

More than 3000 employee donations in just two weeks - over 20 per cent from outside Italy



UniCredit's Group-wide employee fundraising initiative, in support of three of the Italian hospitals most involved in the battle against Covid-19, closed on 31 March. In just two weeks, 3016 donations from employees helped raise a total amount of 1,228,000 euros, of which 1 million euros was contributed by the UniCredit Foundation.


UniCredit CEO Jean Pierre Mustier said: "I am extremely proud and grateful for the generosity of our colleagues and I want to say another very big thank you to everyone who has made a donation to this important cause. These contributions, together with the support of the UniCredit Foundation, allow our Group to provide significant help to the medical professionals treating the sick as well as funding research to find treatments and vaccines. Together we will continue to do the right thing and, as a team, we will get through this challenging time."


Based on the indications of the donors, the funding will be allocated as follows:

  • €556,600 to the Luigi Sacco Hospital of Milan
  • €353,500 to the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani of Rome
  •  €318,600 to the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia Foundation


UniCredit continues to support its communities, clients and colleagues in the fight against Covid-19, everywhere the bank operates. In addition to the Group-wide employee fundraising, UniCredit's banks in its different markets have made significant donations to local healthcare services and continue to do the right thing, contributing to the fight against the pandemic.


In Italy, this includes a 2 million euro donation to Civil Protection together with UniCredit Foundation for the purchase of masks, sanitary materials and medical equipment, 360 000 euros donated to the Italian Red Cross from funds raised through the UniCredit Flexia Classic Etica card and 200 000 euros donated by the UniCredit Foundation to the Policlinico Hospital in Milan. UniCredit has also made a free fundraising account available to the Italian Red Cross to support their activities to address the health crisis on a continued basis.


For more information, please visit:



Milan, 8 April 2020




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