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Composition of share capital following cancellation of share


UniCredit communicates that the cancellation of No. 162.185.721 treasury shares, without reduction of the share capital was ordered today, pursuant to the resolution passed by Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 8 April 2022. The Bank's share capital now amounts to € 21,220,169,840.48 divided into 2,022,218,890 shares with no nominal value.

The resolution to cancel treasury shares has been registered with the Company Register today.




Current share capital

Shares with no nominal value

previous share capital

Shares with no nominal value



No. of shares


       No. of shares

            shares (regular jouissance 01.01.2021) current share coupon no 6








In execution of the same shareholders' resolution, clause 5 of the Articles of Association was amended, which will be published once they have been registered in the

Company Register.                                                                                              


UniCredit S.p.A.



Milan, 19 July 2022




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