UniCredit wins big at ARC and Vision Awards!
Wednesday 06 September 2023
UniCredit is awarded by the Annual Report Competition the first prize (Gold) for the PDF Version of our 2022 Annual Report whilst coming in third (Bronze) for its Design/Graphics in the category of Banking & Financial Services: Europe. Instead, at the Vision Awards we were awarded with Gold for excellence within our industry, a first place at the Top 80 Reports in the EMEA Region, number one for best Italian Report and Silver for Best In-House Report.
We are pleased to announce that our 2022 Annual Report received two prestigious awards at the 2023 ARC (Annual Report Competition) Awards International XXXVII, with recognition in the following categories of the European Banking & Financial Services industry:
- GOLD for the PDF Version of the Annual Report: Banking & Financial Services: Europe
- BRONZE for the Design/Graphics: Banking & Financial Services: Europe

Moreover, our Annual Report has also been awarded in the LACP's Integrated Report Competition, the 2022 Vision Awards. In that competition we won the following awards:
· GOLD for excellence within its industry on the development of the organization's integrated report for the past fiscal year
· #1 in the Top 80 Reports EMEA region, overall Score - General Competition: 98 out of 100
· SILVER receiving a Regional Special Achievement Award: Best In-House Report
· Country-Based Honors: Top 1 Italian Reports of 2022
· Technical Achievement Award - for overall excellence in the art and method of the report communications
An achievement of this magnitude is no small feat. Looking back on the best results our bank achieved in over a decade, the Marketing & Communication, Strategy & ESG and Finance teams collected hundreds of assets from our countries and markets, ranging from written pieces, videos and podcasts, conducting photoshoots and interviews, all to share meaningful stories with our many stakeholders. All of this was meant to amplify the stories of our diverse communities and cultures across Europe - uniting our narrative behind our Values and shared Purpose.
Together, our colleagues demonstrated the true meaning of cross-functional and cross-cultural collaboration - transforming these stories into an impactful storytelling campaign, giving a voice to our people from the junior level to our leaders - those who walked the talk in terms of strong commitment to ensuring our Reports were a valuable contribution to our audiences and our industry.
The 2022 Annual Report showed tangible substance of our 2022 journey to building a truly transformed bank and our pan-European footprint and uniqueness. Our strategy was to show that UniCredit has become "A Better Bank", a bank that has transformed and evolved for the benefit of all our stakeholders.

"I want to congratulate the team on the immense effort put into building the 2022 Annual Report and emphasize how important and significant this piece of work is for our business. The Annual Report has evolved over time on numerous fronts - from digitalisation, innovation, creativity, and cascading - and we are still advancing. This collective effort is not only our opportunity to demonstrate how our bank and its Culture have transformed, but also highlight the many achievements throughout the year that continue to engage and inspire all our stakeholders."
Joanna Carss, Head of Group Stakeholder Engagement
The launch of both our 2022 Annual & Integrated Reports was promoted with a Marketing and Communications campaign leveraging all channels across the Group. And this hard work paid off - two weeks post-launch, we saw significant increases in data analytics, including +527% in PDF downloads and +229% in terms of page views and +321% of unique visitors on the microsite.
Moreover, we boosted the AR multimedia content with targeted Social Media activities to enhance the wealth and beauty of the content produced, increasing visibility of our diverse, unique pan-European stories, and demonstrating the tangible evidence of UniCredit as the Better Bank that we claim to be.
Looking to 2023, our teams plan to raise the bar further - exploring all creative avenues to enhance our storytelling and messages, creating an even more meaningful and impactful foundation to demonstrate all we've collectively achieved this year.