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Destination Malaga: buddy, official banking partner of the Davis Cup, follows Italy to the Final 8 after victory in Bologna.

2:00 min

At the end of a rally that left everyone breathless, the international audience gathered in Bologna witnessed the victory that took Italy to the quarterfinals of the Davis Cup.




This event allowed everyone to appreciate all the values of great tennis expressed by this competition: passion, commitment, fair play, and above all team play. Values we have always identified with.


This is why buddy, UniCredit's online branch, is the official banking partner of the Davis Cup, the largest annual men's team tennis competition.


buddy e Davis Cup: the meeting of two ace players


As Davis Cup partner, buddy was at the Unipol Arena in Bologna with the buddy volée initiatives: the contest that raffled off a trip for two people to attend the 2024 Davis Cup Final.


If you missed it, don't worry, relive the best moments by watching the video below:


And now the rendezvous is in Malaga, November 19-24, at the Finals!



Take a look at the photo gallery below: