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The UniCredit Art Collection is a living resource with treasures that reflect the Group's Pan-European identity. Among the most interesting and internationally renowned personalities, Luisa Rabbia stands out, a contemporary artist who in her works explores the emotional states intersected with the concept of collectivity.

2:00 min

The UniCredit Art Collection is one of the largest corporate collections in Europe, comprising tens of thousands of various assets, from ancient archaeological finds to classical and contemporary works of art, as a result of the artistic choices and passion for art that has always characterised UniCredit. Particular attention has been paid to promoting young and emerging artists from the countries in which our Group is present, increasing their presence in the Collection of  contemporary art works.


We strive to make art part of life for wider public, so we asked some of the artists to explain what art is and what it means to them.


Born in Pinerolo in 1970, Luisa Rabbia lives and works in New York. 

The artist transports individual and collective social reflections onto her canvases, exploring themes such as time, memory and the connection between the inner and outer worlds.  Her artistic approach starts from drawing, and then extends to painting, sculpture and installations.

Luisa Rabbia has exhibited in important institutions and artistic events, consolidating her role as one of the most poetic and visionary voices of contemporary art.






‘Art for me is a way to reflect on life, on our position in the world, on social events, on current events, but also on human needs and therefore explore both the visible and the invisible.’


-  Luisa Rabbia



Watch thE interview to discover more about the artist:


Visit the artist's dedicated page: Luisa Rabbia | UniCredit Art Collection