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2013 Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum: UniCredit among leading sponsors

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January 2013

As in the last few years, UniCredit will be one of the leading sponsors of the "2013 Central & Eastern European Forum" which will take place in Vienna (Hilton Hotel) on January 15th & 16th, 2013.      
The Forum, promoted by Euromoney, is an annual high-level business event that gets together the Region's leading issuers, foreign and domestic investors, government ministers, central bank governors, local business leaders and world class economists, to set up the agenda for the year ahead.

More than 1,000 participants usually attend the Forum, making it an ideal occasion to expand the network and create new business opportunities.

This year the agenda includes panel discussions on some crucial issues such as the global economic crisis and the response by Europe and CEE, growth and structural reforms in CEE, the investment opportunities in Emerging Europe.

During the two days event, Gianni Papa - Head of CEE Division, Gianfranco Bisagni - Head of CEE CIB and Aurelio Maccario - Head of Group Strategic Planning, will be among the speakers of two plenary sessions as well as attending a workshop and a press conference presented by UniCredit.