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The Renaissance Masters on show in Brescia

The Renaissance Masters on show in Brescia

From September 2014 to April 2015 at the Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia it will be possible to visit the three exhibits part of the program "Maestri del Rinascimento. Opere a confronto dalla Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo e da prestigiosi musei europei" (Renaissance Masters. Comparison of works from Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo and prestigious European museums).


A joint program of great merit that showcase three exhibitions about the figurative culture in the Italian Renaissance. Every exhibit will see the comparison of different masterpieces form the Brescia collections and from Italian and foreign museums.


From September 12 to November 9 will take place the exhibition "Savoldo e Giorgione. Ritratto amoroso. Dalla Galleria Borghese e da Palazzo Venezia" (Savoldo and Giorgione. The lovers portrait. From Galleria Borghese and from Palazzo Venezia). It will introduce the work "Ritratto di gentiluomo con flauto" by Girolamo Savoldo - property of UniCredit on loan in Brescia - with "Ritratto di Giovane", also by Savoldo, from Galleria Borghese of Rome and with "Doppio ritratto" by Giorgione from Palazzo Venezia in Rome.


After this first exhibition will follow "Fra Bartolomeo. Modelli pittorici nella Firenze di primo '500. Dalla National Gallery e dalla Galleria Borghese" from November 20, 2014 to January 18, 2015 and "Raffaello. Ricomporre un capolavoro: la Pala Baronci. Dal Louvre e dal Museo di Capodimonte" from January 29 to April 6, 2015.


UniCredit is proud to be part of this important exhibition series thanks to the inclusion of its work "Ritratto di gentiluomo con flauto" by Girolamo Savoldo on loan in Brescia. This initiatives is very important both for historians and art lovers and will make great masters closer to the public.