Our commitments and progress highlights towards a more diverse and equitable environment for our people, stakeholders, and the broader community. We are playing a crucial role in promoting transparency, accountability, and positive change, to shaping an inclusive future for all.

During the G20 Women's Forum Italy, our Group CEO signed the CEO Champion Commitment "Towards the Zero Gender Gap", ensuring the topic is firmly established as a key corporate commitment with concrete objectives and a framework to move towards greater gender equality, and diversity and inclusion at work on our Bank.
Female presence
December 2024
- 50% Board of Directors
- 58% Group overall
- 50% Group Executive Committee (GEC)
- 34% Leadership Team*
*Refers to Group Executive Committee and first line reporting to Group Executive Committee.

Transparency is very important to us and we support the publication of gender pay gap information.
We believe that it is a key step towards making improvements to close the gender pay gap and to reach gender equality.
We are committed to ensuring equal pay for equal work by implementing transparent and effective action plans.
These include:
- Allocating c.€100m to close the gender gap in pay within comparable roles; significant reduction of Gender Pay Gap (GPG) on comparable roles1 from approximately 4% in 2020 to around 1% as of June 2024
- Setting guidelines for our compensation process
- Including specific DE&I KPIs to senior leaders within the annual goal setting process2
1. Non-demographic Gender Pay Gap.
2. DE&I KPIs as standalone goal or as part of a broader Sustainability goal among non-financial measures, included in the individual scorecards of senior roles, as one of the elements for their performance evaluation. DE&I KPIs: ensure equal pay for equal work, promote gender parity across all organisational levels, increase cultural and ethnic representation in our staff, boost work life quality, well-being, and flexible working model for our staff.

Our pan-European footprint provides us with a unique talent base allowing our Executives lead diverse teams across the whole organisation.
The proportion of UniCredit people originating from countries outside of Italy
December 2024
- 36% Board of Directors
- 56% Group overall - calculation based on FTEs
- 67% Group Executive Committee
- 38% Leadership Team*
*Refers to Group Executive Committee and first line reporting to Group Executive Committee.