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Shareholders structure


UniCredit is a public company with a free float equal to 100% of the shares outstanding and there are no controlling shareholders or shareholders' agreements. 



Shareholders Meetings


Shareholders Meeting gives an opportunity for shareholders and management to exchange opinions which is of vital importance to the life of a listed company. 

Shareholders’ rights




Call of a Shareholders' Meeting 

To ask for the call of a Shareholders' Meeting (shareholders who, even jointly, represent 5% of the share capital)



Representation in a Shareholders' Meeting 

To be represented in a Shareholders' Meeting by proxy, indicating the name of possible representative's substitutes. The proxy may also be granted to the Company Designated Proxy Holder, free of charge




Appointment of the Directors 

To submit a list of candidates for the office of Director (shareholders holding at least 0.5% of the share capital)




Integration of the agenda

To ask for the integration of the agenda of a Shareholders' Meeting or to submit further resolution proposals on items already on the agenda (shareholders, who even jointly, represent at least 0.5% of the share capital)







Questions on the items of the agenda 

To submit questions pertaining to items on the agenda even prior to a Shareholders' Meeting. The Company shall provide answers during the Meeting itself at the latest

About the Meeting

Both Ordinary and the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings will be called, within the deadline envisaged under law, via a notice of call published on our website as well as through other channels provided for under law and regulatory provisions.

Within the deadline for publishing the notice calling the Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with each of the items on the Agenda - or by any other deadline provided by other provisions of the law - the Company will make available to the public at its registered office, on its website and in the manners envisaged by Consob regulatory provisions, a report on each of the items on the Agenda.

The Shareholders' Meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors in accordance with the Articles of Association. The Chairman of the Meeting has full powers to conduct the meetings in accordance with the criteria and procedures envisaged by the existing law and the Regulations governing General Meetings.

Those on whose behalf the Company has received notification from the broker holding their accounts by the deadline stated under current provisions are entitled to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and exercise their right to vote. 

In Ordinary session, Shareholders' Meeting is convened at least once a year, within 180 days from the end of the financial year, to pass resolutions on the matters that it is responsible for deciding pursuant to current laws and to the Articles of Association. More specifically, in Ordinary session Shareholders' Meeting:


  • approves the financial statements for the financial year;
  • resolves upon the allocation of profits;
  • appoints the Directors and establishes their remuneration;
  • appoints an auditing firm for statutory certification of the accounts;
  • resolves on any revocation of the Directors and of the engagement of the auditing firm as well.



Powers of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting with regard to remuneration

Besides establishing the remuneration of members of the bodies it has appointed, it also approves the remuneration policies for the members of the supervisory, management and control bodies as well as for the employees and equity-based compensation schemes.


Find out more Shareholders' Meeting

An Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting is convened whenever it is necessary to resolve upon any of the matters that are exclusively attributed to it by the current laws. 

Specifically, in extraordinary sessions Shareholders' Meeting passes resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association and on transactions of an extraordinary nature such as capital increases, mergers and demergers.

UniCredit Tower


MILAN - 27 March 2025




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Meeting regulations

The Shareholders' Meeting has adopted internal regulations governing the conduct of the Shareholders' Meeting

Articles of Association

Title IV of our Articles of Association contains the provisions on Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting

Frequently asked questions

Consult the most frequently asked questions about Shareholders' Meeting attendance and documentation