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  5. 2024 Transgender Day of Visibility | A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion
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Transgender Day of Visibility on 31 March is an important moment to raise awareness, educate, encourage dialogue and show our support for the resilience, achievements and experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

2:00 min

UniCredit is fully committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, a core part of our Culture and Values, demonstrated through tangible actions, including policy enhancements, guidelines and training programs aimed at always creating a safer and more supportive environment for all our employees and clients.

We are motivated to promote healthy conversations, meaningful relationships and connections for all colleagues, fostering a sense of belonging and supporting collective Well-being. Social support and full integration play a significant role in achieving positive physical and mental well-being, and through advocacy, education and allyship, we can all work towards a society where all individuals are empowered to thrive, free from prejudice and bias.

Our Unicorns Employee Network has shared some useful tips below to help all of us progress in that direction.


  • Be the changemaker and adopt inclusive language in everyday interactions. By being mindful of our actions and words, we can create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued and respected.
  • Don't assume a person's gender. When you meet someone new, stop yourself from immediately classifying that person as "male" or "female" based on how they look, sound, or dress. These assumptions can arise from implicit bias that comes from cognitive shortcuts the brain takes to process information quickly.
  • Avoid using gendered language. Use non-gendered language in written and oral communication. Instead of addressing a group as "ladies and gentlemen" say something like "hello everyone!" Instead of writing "he or she," use "they".
  • Avoid assuming someone’s sexual orientation based on stereotypes and assumptions. Use terms like “partner” or “significant other” when referring to someone’s relationship.
  • Ask for gender pronouns when meeting new people. For example, "What pronouns do you use for yourself?" You may feel awkward at first, but with practice, this will become a routine "getting to know you" question.
  • Apologise and correct yourself when you make a mistake. You don't have to get it right all the time! The important thing is to try and to be respectful.


In addition, we gathered our colleagues’ views on what inspires inclusion in the workplace and you can see that pictured below

Lastly, on 31 March our UniCredit Tower spire in Milan will also light up in the colours of light blue, white and pink showcasing our support for the transgender and non-binary people around the world.